“One injury that I have always had that never seems to go away is plantar fasciitis..”

I got home, took the KSO’s off, and had some blisters, but my PF pain was gone. I was amazed and bewildered.

Sean Fillner, former plantar fasciitis sufferer.

Next time you come across one of those befuddled news stories which ponder whether minimalist running is a fad, consider the case of Sean Fillner. Like many runners, he turned to natural foot motion after suffering endless injuries in running shoes. Incidentally, I’ve never met a runner who turned to shoes because of problems with natural foot motion. Fillner may also be the most dogged VFF customer on earth, although he might have spared himself a lot of time and international shipping if he’d tried bare feet first. (courtesy of Peter Larson, the Runblogger)


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